Top 3 Lessons from 2016

I’ve seen many social media posts this week taunting “Really 2016!?” or “I’m DONE with you, 2016”. Many have jumped on the bandwagon and indeed, it was a crazy year for obvious reasons. For me, 2016 was a year of firsts as well as a year of lasts; but in my eyes, 2016 was a […]

Release What No Longer Serves You

Yesterday as I was chatting with my Dad, we had a very deep conversation about the “here and now” and his comfort level with where he is, both physically and mentally. We discussed the progress he has made over the past month and how much of the month before that was a blur to him […]

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From Fear to Freedom​

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  • Shift you into a more peaceful state of mind as you begin your journey
  • Explore those whispers with an open mind and open heart so you can take the next steps of your journey.

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