I lived my life as I was supposed to, I thought I had it all figured out.  Raised in a small town, I began checking the boxes one by one:  a college degree, a career, marriage, kids, a home in the suburbs, a nice car, a great community to raise a family (with white picket fences)…
until that moment almost 20 years in,
when my mind tried to convince me

“it’s all good!”

but my heart said

“You can’t live like this anymore.
Something is OFF!”
It was a nudge from the Universe. 
“You’re allowed to feel empty,” it said…
“You’re allowed to be YOU,” it said…
“There is more for you than this,” it said…
“You have a greater purpose in life,”  it said…
I had no idea where to start, but I accepted the invitation from the Universe and from that moment on, I set forth on a deep, intense healing journey that began with a journal entitled “The Rest of My Life” and a google search for “Life Coaching” that led me to Martha Beck. 

Becoming a life coach shook my foundation; it was uncomfortable, but it challenged my beliefs, opened my mind, changed my thoughts and drastically altered the trajectory of my life. Through those changes, I discovered my purpose: to guide, coach, awaken and inspire the many beautiful souls that have been, that are presently and that will be divinely connected to me on this journey of life.

I am a Trauma-Informed Master Life Coach, a Reiki Master, a Light-Worker, an Author, a Minister and a Meditator. 

I am a passionate Ally, a lover of souls, and a supporter of equality.

I am a badass shapeshifter, I love to lift weights, and am learning to live as an embodied soul.

I am a Mom and love my Greatest Earthly Blessings unconditionally and endlessly.

I am a friend, and those who meet me where I am, soul to soul, I love fiercely. 

I love the sun and the water, the vastness of a clear starry night and the full moon.

I am free, I am joyful, I am continuously evolving; 

…and I’m so eager to meet you


Life is a journey and I believe we are continuously evolving. As I’ve evolved over the course of my own journey, here are some of things that set my soul on fire:

Energy  Healing

Reiki Master
The International Center for Reiki Training
(Certification through Om2Teach Reiki Program)
First/Second Degree and Advanced Usui Reiki
Reiki Master Certification
Certified Meditation Instructor (CMI)
Om2Teach Meditation Certification
Featured twice as Mental Wellness Champion at Fortune 500 Company

Love Offerings


Start Your Journey

From Fear to Freedom​

This guide is designed to help you do two things:

  • Shift you into a more peaceful state of mind as you begin your journey
  • Explore those whispers with an open mind and open heart so you can take the next steps of your journey.

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