Happy Father’s Day, From the Soul

I find it so ironic that three years ago today, I was in Key West, clinging in hope that my Dad would pull through a severe alcohol detox. When I arrived in June 2015, he was barely able to talk, walk, eat or reason.  Many of you know our story.  As I miraculously relocated him […]

Top 3 Lessons from 2016

I’ve seen many social media posts this week taunting “Really 2016!?” or “I’m DONE with you, 2016”. Many have jumped on the bandwagon and indeed, it was a crazy year for obvious reasons. For me, 2016 was a year of firsts as well as a year of lasts; but in my eyes, 2016 was a […]

Letting Go of My Pink Balloon

A little over a year ago, I was contemplating a visit with my father in Key West. The Holiday season was nearing and I knew my father’s health was beginning to fail. His friends had called me worried about him, saying that he was not “himself” lately. I knew I needed to see him soon […]

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From Fear to Freedom​

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  • Shift you into a more peaceful state of mind as you begin your journey
  • Explore those whispers with an open mind and open heart so you can take the next steps of your journey.

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